In free time



The Academic Choir of the State Higher School of Vocational Education in Elbląg was founded in 1999 and meets the needs of those students who wish to pursue their musical interests. The repertoire varies from medieval to modern compositions and the choir's performances are always an important item on the agenda at the School's and the Town's celebrations.




The Academic Theatre "ABATON" actively participates in the cultural life of Elbląg. Students take part in various acting workshops, they work on diction and articulation, perform shows and plays, participate in festivals and enter contests with their own productions.



The belief in benefits of physical activity led to the foundation of The Academic Sports Organisation (AZS) in 1998.

The AZS Club comprises several sports sections:

  • basketball (men) - taking part in university league
  • volleyball (men and women) - taking part in university league
  • futsal (men) - taking part in university league
  • fitness section - organising dance and fitness trainings
  • sailing - organising courses and cruises,
  • tourism - organising hiking trips in the area, orienteering competitions, summer and winter mountain camps,
  • horse-riding - organising courses and horse rides and taking part in national championships.

Academic Career Centre

Career Centre

The Academic Career Centre was founded in 2003. It was run form the first days by students-volunteers.

It's general aim is to support and help young people to find good jobs.

The Academic Career Centre compiles a database of students and graduates and a website with lists of the best students and graduates, takes parts in various programmes, seminars and workshops. It organises workshops that are intended for students and graduates and are free of charge. They concern psychology, creating self-image, preparing application documents or important information about current labour market.